Saturday, November 28, 2009

Back in the 60s

Since the beginning of Computing Science and computer programming, there has been an important evolution in the methods used to design software. We're now much better than we used to be to produce software. When I turn around and look at the Internet trend though, I have the impression of looking at a software seen of at least 40 years ago. Whereas people are now capable of choosing a programming language on account of the abstractions it allows them to formulate and use for desktop applications, it seems that web programming is still tightly tied with the individual idiosyncrasies of the browser that will be used to run them. Whenever I complain about the hazards of using Javascript, I get the answer that this is what gets executed in the browsers! Since I'm very enthusiastic about the research that I do, I don't usually refrain to mention the sorry state of affair of software and the thought that formal methods can be of great use for that. One year ago, I met a friend of a friend who is enthusiastic about web programming. When I suggested that we should be very careful about the properties that we select for our programs and the assumptions that their validity rely on, he pointed out that would be of very little help for web programming because of the important differences that exist between the browsers. Continuing in that direction, I got the strong feeling that he considered the variety of platforms to be one of the most important and most interesting challenges of web programming. I could not help but be remembered the accounts of the software scene of the 60s that I have read. The accidental complexity is so important that people mistake it for the core of the problem. In that respect, I guess this is no surprise that web applications are of such a poor quality. What triggered the present note is my suffering from the poor quality and and random behavior of Facebook, Google Wave and, while I type, I am reminded that Blogger is not much better. A final word, lest I am mistakenly assumed to be satisfied with the state of the art in non-browser based application: they appear much better in comparison to web application but there are important shortcomings also and I think that they are part of the problem of the web scene. Simon Hudon November 28th Meilen

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More of the Same

I just submitted a post on language design and I feel that this one is closely related. I just attended a talk in the context of my software verification course. We are now studying techniques related to data flow analysis and we had a speaker present us how he used such techniques to measure the quality of a test suite. A priori, I am not very much into testing but still, I think there is something to be done with the topic. As far as I know, the only research done in that respect that treats testing in a decent way consider the specifications even though it also uses the program's structure as a guide for testing. Now that I think of it, this is the shortcoming that ticked me off the most. It was based on Java code and there was no hint of suggestion that considering an invariant or any other statement of abstract properties of the data or of the program would enhance the assessment of the tests suites. The code was taken as it stands, assuming that the mind of the programmers is impenetrable. To avoid repeating myself, I will simply say that the overwhelming feeling I got while listening was: "this advanced computing theory of obsolete programming techniques".
I have no difficulty explaining its survival though: it does not suggest the need for education for anybody and produces a tool which can be used without thoughts. In other words, it's a fancy way of patting on back the industrial managers and the programmers alike. Nothing is more welcomed than being told that you're doing a good job by an automated tool. In my eye, this is just more of the same.
Simon Hudon
November 20th, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bad Separation of Concerns

In the course of my master's, I have to attend a seminar and prepare one talk. Last week, the talk I listened to was about using pattern matching in object oriented programming languages. I thought, as the talk went on, that all the yardstick they took to evaluate the design of their language construct was all wrong. It struggled, in my opinion in vain, to improve the expressiveness while retaining the best possible performances and remaining "concrete". In that respect, I tend to take for granted the necessity of expressing precise specifications with every piece of code. This means that, for me, the most important is that my specification language be expressive enough, but still very simple, to allow me to reason about my problems and my implementation language be as simple as possible and allow me to express any algorithm I wish. In my experience, the specification language should involve as little operational elements as possible for simplicity. As for the implementation language, it should be possible to implement it on any reasonable architecture. Before I'm objected that it is not customary in industry to use precise specification notations or to keep multiple representations, at different degrees of abstraction, of a single solution, I have to point out that this is an academic result and it does not have to follow industrial customs. Actually, I would go one step further and state that, if, in academia, we wait for techniques to become widely adopted before using them, we are lagging behind and risk doing no more than producing more of the same. Academia being more remote from the market place than industry are supposed to be less affected by the political issues that keep industry behind the state of the art. And this is not badmouthing the industry: it is understandable that they have more concerns than only technological ones. Let's get back to the paper. In their design, they seemed to tackle both problems of expressiveness and implementation at once and the result was not pretty. For example, in their pattern matching, they had to take into consideration that the evaluation of the expression (which, in their case, is an absolute necessity) they were dealing with could very well have side effects and this was an important concern of theirs. I think that this possibility was popularized by C and I think this is an important set back with respect to allowing programmers to think about their programs. I think, already, the discipline of separating queries from commands, which is part of Eiffel's style, is much better in this respect. They also had to deal with constructors in order to match objects like you would in Haskell. This is very ugly. Pattern matching is a very elegant way of writing expressive specifications but object creations do not fit in it. This is because an expression creating an object has an implicit reference to memory allocation and it can't be dissociated to it. People can't forget that the object has a memory representation and that a comparison in the context of pattern matching will have a given cost. I prefer to use mathematical expressions to express the value contained by the object and allocate the object only if necessary.
Aside In a recent programming experiment where I derived my code from its proof of correctness, I was parsing a string and, since all the properties of a language can so elegantly be formulated in terms of strings of character, I used strings to represent the state of the computation. I had my input string S, the processed string x and the left over string z and they were linked by the invariant:
S = x ++ z
with ++ the string concatenation operator. At each iteration, I split z in two parts such that
z = [ y ] ++ w
and scanning one character was encoded as:
x, z := x ++ [ y ], w
If you can't help yourself and have to imagine the memory footprint and performances of this algorithm, you might be scandalized that this is really inefficient. This is not meant to be executed as such; it is only a very simple way of understanding defining what the algorithm does. With one data refinement, I went to a representation where the use of memory is limited to the array representing the input, an integer index indicating which character y is and two booleans to represent the acceptance state of the algorithm. There is no efficiency problem with that, and my proof of correctness and my proof of data refinement are very simple and I consider them the clearest documentation for the algorithm.
end of aside
In summary, I think the right way of seeing that problem is:
Pattern Matching is a power way of associating properties or code with the shape of the data and we need to be able to express it. Since we can use it with code, it would be important to have programming techniques to make the executable, that is, techniques usable by a programmer to transform a specification using pattern matching into executable code implementing it. If the methods are especially effective and simple, we could have it implemented in our compiler but this is far from being a design consideration for the construct.
* * *
More recently, in my compiler design class, we were presented a research programming language which is said to be "relationship-based". I think the idea is a good one: they factor the inter-class relationship out of classes to treat them as separate modules. The question whether each such relationship deserve its own module is worthy of debate but, for now, what bothers me is that they treat it as a programming language construct, that is to say they keep an "implementability anchor" in their heads while they design the notation. One of the consequence is that they will refrain from adding anything for which they aren't sure they can compile it automatically. I would rather see this emerge as a specification structuring artifact and see some programming techniques emerge in connection to it so that the most common one can be implemented quite straightforwardly. For the rest, it's open to experimentation and, in all cases, a case by case implementation would allow optimization that systematic compilation wouldn't be able to do.
I think the big problem here is still the taking of current practices as a guideline for academic research: "since programmers don't write specifications, we won't provide a means to write good specifications even though progress would require it". I put it in my "more of the same" bin, look at the original ideas and forget about the language. Actually, I will do so when my semester is over.
Simon Hudon
ETH Zürich
finished on November 18th

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


For some reason, since the weekend I'm pretty down and yesterday's events did improve anything. I had an exercise session in Software Verification and the exercises were to be done with pen and paper which suited me fine since I don't know much about separation logic and I am curious to see how convenient it is to use it to solve day to day programming problems. First disappointment: instead of presenting a collection of usable manipulation rules and theorems, he gave us an intuitive notions of what the logic is about and expected that it would be enough to solve the problem. This defeats the whole purpose of using formal logic and I equate with no less than giving up the teaching of the topic. To my liking, something good enough for the exam but unusable afterwards is a total failure of teaching Second disappointment: we had to write a program with a loop and prove its partial correctness. He mentioned techniques of weakening the postcondition to obtain a loop invariant but he said that he would not teach it since they were not likely to have to find an invariant at the exam. Instead, he suggested to (with no alternative, we could say imposed on) the students to execute their loop on paper and, through guesswork, to find the relation that is preserved throughout the iterations. This is at best a very clumsy way of finding a loop invariant and I am sure that, for many students, it has driven home the message that formal methods is no more than an academic exercise instead of something useful that they can use when dealing with hard problems. And it is not like he did not know that they are very useful for the direct derivation of programs or that he thinks that it is inefficient problem solving. The only conclusion left is that he thinks students are not up to it. That's sad to have such a poor esteem of the people that came all that way to learn something. And I don't mean that I'm the only one victim of that practice (actually, I don't consider myself a victim at all since I think lectures are only for administrative purposes; my true learning is done on my own time with books and smart people) but I think of the people that worked all through their bachelors to end up with some farce of a lecture. Even though I am aware that not everybody is as motivated as me for learning new material, I would think that the time spent there could be better spent doing something else. I feel better already, having said that! Simon

Monday, October 19, 2009

The LaTeX Syndrom

Reading a certain paper for my seminar of software engineering, I had nausea when seeing the appalling notation they chose to talk about the soundness of their system. My supervisor told me it was of no importance but still I can't help but think that the notation could be improved a lot. They seem to have chosen to use a formalism in order to pack as much information as possible in one page and I am convinced that they must not have used it much with pen and paper because it would have been much to heavy. This leads me to the hypothetical LaTeX syndrome. I think they needed LaTeX to typeset such a notation and would not be able to do it without LaTeX. I think in the design of a notation, it should be taken as a yardstick that the notation is usable with pen and paper and it must not be a torture to use it for any length of time. I would go one step further and state that I would like those that do not follow this principle to be condemned to use their formalism on paper for as long as necessary for them to repent. I could also ask for a reward for the people that do abide to the principle: they could have the joy of using their formalism and see their problems nicely stated and elegantly solved with it. I am not making a statement against LaTeX here, at least not yet. What I am complaining about is the people that use it without the application of good judgement. As a reader, I think the bad formalism was an important difficulty in seeing the point they used it for. Fortunately for me, they did not use it too much. I must admit that I now avoid LaTeX altogether since most of my efforts are spent on LaTeX itself rather than on the problem at hand. I have started using rich text editors which don't pretend to be smart. The big drawback is that they are harder to use with version control. For that reason, I'm thinking of using plain text but, for some reason, Mac OS does not make that easy. Simon Hudon Written after a bad day on October 19th 2009 Meilen

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"For someone whose only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail" (EWD 690)

This note is about paradigms. In short, I would define a paradigm as being the belief that a particular abstraction or theory fits a certain context. We can see, for example, in programming, the paradigm of object oriented programming as being the belief that focusing one's analysis and design efforts on the relations between different pieces of data is an efficient way to cope with the variation in requirements. Also, we can see that applying game theory to economic behavior gives rise to the paradigm that we might call "the rational choice". I think a paradigm is a very useful belief to have because it allows one to deal in simple terms with problems that might get complicated. In my opinion, a healthy use of a paradigm is like controlled schizophrenia: when you deal with a problem within the realm of applicability of the paradigm, it is useful and often necessary to assume its postulate without questions. This is very efficient when dealing with related problems. However, one should be able to defend the use of the paradigm and more specifically, should consciously stop believing in the postulates while doing so. I find it frustrating when discussing with somebody when I realize that, not only can I identify the paradigm he adopts (which is not bad) but I realize that he is unable to step out of it even after several direct attacks at his assumptions. This happens both in technical discussions about computing and in humanities. On the other hand, it is also fruitless to discuss hard problems with somebody who can't assume the postulates once they have been defended. In technical terms, this might be seen as somebody that keeps reasoning about a method call in terms of the instructions that gets executed as a substitute instead of reasoning in terms of an abstract specification. In the first case, the person is hardly schizophrenic at all (what a fraud!) and in the second case the schizophrenia is uncontrolled so the person's reasoning is all over the place: he can't focus on one aspect of his problems at a time because he can't see a clear separation between the two. As a second example of uncontrolled schizophrenia, I see some people rely strongly on set theory and have to understand everything in terms of set. Some of them for example, can't bear to use sequences for their reasoning because the proofs with sequences are so complicated and messy. This is a recent conviction of mine but I keep seeing examples where having a clear and simple abstraction would be much more effective. In the case of sequences, we need a set of postulates that describe sequences as objects of their own right and don't drag sets or anything else into the picture unless a useful relationship can be defined. And even then, the relationship is not central to understanding the abstraction. For soundness purposes, it might be useful to translate postulates of sequence theory in set theory. This becomes metamathematics though. It does not affect the use of sequences.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

What is Abstraction?

I've been talking about the sin of confusing vagueness for abstraction for a while but I haven't stopped to define more precisely what it means. So far, the best I have done to give an understanding of what abstraction is is to say that it is a simplification of an object and that being abstract does not preclude being absolutely precise. Let's try to be more precise on what constitutes an abstraction and what does not. First, an abstraction is a simplification but a simplification does not qualify automatically to be called an abstraction. So, what is missing? If we wanted a completely precise expression, we would say that A is an abstraction for B with respect to a set of properties. The set of properties is usually universal in the context in which abstraction is used. For example, for software engineers, it will be interesting to see a specification as an abstraction for a set of implementations with respect to functional properties. It means that seeing the effects of a particular implementation, if we can always follow them by reading a specification and not get any surprise, the implementation is correct with respect to that specification. For somebody working with algorithms, the performances will be more important so it may be useful to have an abstraction with respect to running time but one that does not preserve functional properties. It is in this respect that I got convinced that having a small theoretical kernel for a modeling language (in Abrial's sense) is not appropriate useful or abstract. For instance, in Event-B, everything is understood in the context of set theory and I was opposed that using sequences was too difficult because of the complications of the underlying set-theoretic model. The key here is that the objection denotes a failure to create a level of abstraction where sequences are understood for what they provide. Providing a set-theoretic model for them is not useful for their use; it is useful to convince someone that the set of axioms describing sequences is sound. After that, we must understand sequences on their own. This is why, I believe, abstract data types are very important for the use of formal methods. Simon Hudon October 11th Meilen

Modeling vs Programming vs Coding

I usually adhere to Dijkstra's and Morgan's view of programming: it's the action of passing from a precise specification to an executable program. I've had some contacts recently with the Chair of Programming Methodology recently and I was expecting them to have a similar view to mine on what constitutes programming. I was a little disappointed to see that their view was more closely related to "writing down executable code" than "reflecting on the design of a suitable implementation for a given specification". What they call programming, I would rather call coding. Before that, I had a short talk with Dr. Jean-Raymond Abrial, founder of the B and Event-B formal methods where I saw that he shunned programming. However, I came to realize that what he called programming was also coding. On the other hand, he called the activity of central importance to software engineers "modeling" which is a term I have been trying to avoid for some time, now, because of its central role in methods like UML, which I find eminently ignorable for software engineers; it simply seems to stem from confusing vagueness with abstraction and I think there's no reasons to accept vague documentation for a design. I still prefer the word programming for the formal derivation of implementations but I feel more and more like I will have to find a substitute because of the lexicon associated with programming. It is associated with programs which is related to routines and sequential execution whereas I believe that sequential vs parallel execution is an implementation choice that should not receive half of the importance that it is usually given in the development process. To be absolutely unambiguous, I could rename the activity "designing a software system" taking the liberty of changing software with discrete if necessary but it might be a bit too long. However, design is an activity so widespread that it does not feel appropriate to use it on its own when talking about programming. For this purpose, I could resort to "modeling" but I run the risk of having to precise all the time that I have nothing to do with UML or their bubbles and arrows techniques. Ah, well! I'll keep thinking about it. In the mean time, I'll keep programming for short and design of software system to be unambiguous. Simon Hudon October 11th, 2009 Meilen

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hehner's Program Calculus

Preamble This post, although involving unusual notions for most, is meant to be very basic and I expect most computer scientists, computer science students to be able to understand it. If you don't please let me know, I'll arrange to put enough background in it.
End of preamble
For some time, Prof. Jonathan Ostroff has been trying to convince me of the elegance of Hehner's method of refinement. Recently, I was giving examples of Dijkstra's program calculus. Among these was the derivation of the program for computing the maximum of two numbers and its proof. I eventually came around to consider this example terms of Hehner's method and I was struck with at how simple his formulation is. For example, the semantics of the following conditional statement is given in Hehner's formulation and in Dijkstra's (and Morgan's, for that matter).
if b -> x := E [] c -> x := F fi
Hehner (x' denotes the value of the variable x after execution whereas x denotes its initial value):
(b  /\  x' = E)  \/  (c /\ x' = F)
Dijkstra (it is defined as a function of the predicate p and it represents the weakest precondition that will allow the statement to enforce the postcondition p):
(b   ==>   (x := E).p)  /\  (c   ==>   (x := F).p)  /\  (b  \/  c)
Just here, we have a factor of a little bit less than two. It is a bit of an unfair comparison, though since the two formulae are not used in the same way. It is interesting to note, however, that Dijkstra's formulation includes a term (b \/ c) which he calls "the law of excluded miracle" (as a pun referring to "the law of excluded middle"). Its purpose is to make sure that one of the branches of the conditional applies whenever we get ready to execute the statement. On the other hand, Hehner's formulation implies (b \/ c) and it does not have to be included in the term. Unfortunately, it is necessary with Hehner's method to mention every variable that do not change which, as it appears to me, an amateur when it comes to Hehner's method, can be quite inconvenient.
Here is the development of the mentioned program with both methods. We start by stating the postulates that we have.
(0)   x max y  >=  x
(1)   x max y  >=  x
(2)   x max y  =  x   \/   x max y  =  y
(3)   x max y  =  y max x
(4)   x  =  x max y   ==   x  >=  y
(5)   y  =  x max y   ==   y  >=  x
(6)   x >= y  \/  y >= x
Now, here is the postcondition that we want to implement:
P:  z =  x max y 
because of the form of (2) we could presume that the appropriate execution of either of:
Q:  z := x
R:  z := y
We must therefore investigate when it is appropriate to execute each. For that, we calculate the weakest precondition that allows each of them to establish the postcondition. We can do that by applying the statements Q and R as a subtitution over the postcondition P.
==    { Subtitution }
   x  =  x max y
==    { (4) }
   x >= y
(with == being the logical equivalence) Using a similar calculation, we get
R.P    ==    y >= x
We can conclude that the following code establishes the postcondition:
if  x >= y -> z := x 
[]  y >= x -> z := y 
The only thing left to do is to apply the law of excluded miracle and make sure that there is always a branch which is executable.
   (x >= y)  \/  (y >= x)
==    { (6) }
If we try the same derivation with Hehner's method, we can start by saying that the postcondition is trivially established by
P:  z := x max y
which, unfortunately, is not executable. For simplicity, we will assume that x is the only assignable variable. We have the following statement representing the semantics of P.
Q:  z'  =  x max y
We can now start calculating:
   z'  =  x max y
==    { Identity of /\ }
   z' = x max y  /\  true
==    { (2) }
   z' = x max y  /\  (x = x max y \/ y = x max y)
==    { /\ distributes over \/ }
   (z' = x max y  /\  x = x max y)  \/  (z' = x max y  /\  y = x max y)
==    { Leibniz, twice }
   (z' = x  /\  x = x max y)  \/  (z' = y  /\  y = x max y)
==    { (4) and (5) }
   (z' = x  /\  x >= y)  \/  (z' = y  /\  y >= x)
The final stage of the calculation represents the semantics of the following conditional:
if  x >= y -> z := x
[]  y >= x -> z := y
What I like about the previous derivation is that it is very straight forward. There is a small invention involved which is to introduce true at the beginning and transform it into (2). It seems reasonable since it gives a simple expression for any possible value of x max y. Also, the proof contains a little too much detail. For instance, the first and the second steps could have been merged and explained simply by referring to assumption (2).
On a more personal side, I must admit that, for at least one year, I was very enthusiastic about Ralph Back's lattice theoretic interpretation of programs: it's just so elegant! In practice however, I can't help but being struck with awe at how straightforward the program derivation is with Hehner. Like Dijkstra said so often: we must not become enamored with our tools especially if they show how clever we have been. Back's interpretation introduced me to lattice theory which I still like and find pretty useful but using it for program calculus does not seem necessary and I should probably turn over to Hehner's program calculus even though it does not yell "I know lattice theory!"
September 18th 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Trends in programming languages

I just saw a very insightful comment in the 2003 publication of the IFIP work group 2.3 on programming methodology about one of the paper it contains. I cannot attribute it for sure but since Annabelle McIver and Carroll Morgan are the editors, one of them must be at the origin of the comment. It says that in the field of programming languages, one can distinguish two trends. The first, by far the most popular, views a programming language as a formalism to abstract away from the specifics of the machines and the tiny optimizations that might be useful but are tedious to come up with and to maintain. It gives Fortran and Java as examples. Fortran allows the programmer to keep his concentration on other things than the evaluation of mathematical expressions which is quite useful. On the other hand, Java allows the programmer to put the implementation of classes in one place and the latter does not have to think about the specific details of the use of classes (e.g. dynamic binding and memory management). Personnally, I would call those coding languages: they make programming simpler than writing machine code. The second trend views a programming language as a formalism to help reflect on the problem at hand. I give here two of my own examples: Eiffel and B. The fact that they cover analysis, design and implementation is a telling sign that it does not support the view of a program as a sequence of instruction but as a computational solution to a problem. When trying to "sell" languages of the latter category, I often encounter objection stemming from the interlocutor's adherence to the first category and, most of the time, it ticks me off because I have the impression that they are focusing on the wrong aspect of a programming language. Having seen this description of the two trends, I'm thinking of questioning my interlocutor's yardstick instead of getting frustrated. Simon Hudon September 13th 2009 Zürich

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Collective Knowledge

At the moment, I have a few drafts I am writing but they are not progressing very fast and I am offering this short reflection. Looking around and reading different kinds of research, I can't help but feel that there exists a hierarchy of collective knowledge. Science is part of that hierarchy but it is not the whole story. As somebody who is strongly mathematically inclined, I have a tendency to view formal mathematics as the only means for expressing one's understanding but this position does not hold water. Since I am also very interested in methodology, namely, how we program and how we do mathematics, I have to have considerations for human activities and those are particularly hard to formalize and one might wonder what need we have of formalizing them. It must be honestly revealed that the activity of formalization demands tremendous efforts which are not carried out merely for the beauty of formal theories (although, many don't need much more motivation for doing it). The point is that, at any time before embarking on a formalization project, it is worth it to wonder if it is worth embarking on. On one hand, there is a class of programming languages, of which C++ and PL/I are nice representative, for which the formalization is not worth the effort because they are so complex and there documentation is so ambiguous that the formalization amount to reinventing them. Also, while reinventing them for the sake of formalization, for survival's sake, one should have the reflex of questioning every design decision before deciding to adopt them and, doing so, one would not end up with C++ or PL/I but with a language à la Wirth. If we carried that judgment to a further conclusion, it can also mean that they are not worth using either. On the other hand, there are subjects which are worth studying but the gain of a formalization is not immediately obvious. We have other tools than formalization to be rigorous and precise in our discourse and should not neglect them (to name only one: we have our natural language for which an exceptional mastery can do wonders). Once the benefit of formalization is seen, though, one should not hesitate. At the moment of writing, I am thinking about the general literature about programming methodology (aka software engineering). I have the feeling that although some publications concentrate on giving examples of the use of a particular method, some succeed at being very rigorous by being modest and accepting that they are merely working with one example. Also, their rigor seem to rely on the analysis of their example, of what helped and what did not. On the hand, some very disappointing papers on the topic try to be more rigorous by building a tool, having a handful of programmers use them, measure (in some vague sense) the improvement in their productivity and publish the statistic. Without a theory to compare those numbers to, they are meaningless and I can't help but see it as another instance of the general hype around statistic which I would summarize with "a number is better than no numbers at all". Simon Hudon Zürich, September 5th 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

On Credibility

I just had a conversation on Skype with my mother and I made an interesting reflection while seemingly lecturing on our attitudes toward great authors. I was talking about the way Edsger Dijkstra was prejudiced and said that I found it too bad because he was otherwise very smart. And then I thought back on the period where I had not realized the prejudices that he had and wondered what I could do against that. I noticed, not for the first time, that, as I read, as the author gains my respect and esteem I tend to give him (or her) the benefit of the doubt. However, people that are always objective throughout their writing probably don't write much so, for the rest, we should remain prudent not to consider everything that is said by any trusted author to be true. The next question that I would expect to ask myself while reading what I wrote is: so, what difference does it make whether an author is trusted (alternatively more trusted) or not (alt. less trusted? Well, for one thing, an author that I trust is one of which I have read many text and it is a little bit less likely that I would be surprised by something he says or write. More importantly, when I hear people talking and I know the particular author is also giving his opinion, I'll give more attention to that author because I trust him. As a corollary, when I have interrogations on topics of which I suspect my author to be interested, I'll first try to find out what his opinion is on the topic. However, it shouldn't mean that I'll be satisfied once I did. As a good computing scientist, I just saw a case where the good behavior to take is ambiguous. If I stress my imagination a lot, I can imagine cases where I trust many authors. What to do? The naive extrapolation is to choose one randomly whenever I need to. It is not very satisfying so I go ahead and look at the next credible solution: to define a more subtle notion of trust for which I can trust author X on topic Z more than I trust author Y on topic Z. If I take one topic at a time for my investigations, this should be fine-grained enough. As a final note, I am not stating that this is what I usually do. It is more like the exposition of a judgment error I do more often than I would like to and a possible solution that I would like to adopt. Simon Hudon Zürich August 19th 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Algorithms in Object Oriented Programming

Approximately two years ago, I was writing a set of classes for dealing with graphs. At one point, I had to provide facilities for depth-first and breadth-first traversal. At first, I thought of doing it as a higher order function: it would be a regular encoding of a graph traversal that would use an agent --in Eiffel talk, in C# talk, it would be called a delegate-- to process every node encountered. This seemed a lot of work to set up and use and I decided to create particular kinds of cursors that would enumerate the nodes in preorder, postorder or in breath-first order. It was a very interesting exercise because I transposed the state of the computation of the algorithm to make it the state of a class. At the time, it seemed like a very nice reinterpretation of an algorithm to have it fit a more object oriented context. I did not push that investigation further. At the moment, I am working on the development of a parsing algorithm and its correctness proof. One of the decision I took was to have a token reading primitive instead of passing a complete sequence of tokens. With respect to the formulation of the algorithm, there is very little differences but with respect to its interface, the difference is big enough to allow me to do an interesting observation. The reading can be interpreted as a routine called by the program implementing the parsing algorithm, but it could also be interpreted as a method of a class whose state is described by the local variables of the algorithm. This would allow, for example, to interpret keystrokes as tokens and feed them to the parser as they come. What if we just considered it as an input without regard to whether it is ordered by a client or by the module. With that view, we could have a scanner which outputs one token at a time and inputs one character at a time. We could plug the input of the parser on the output of the scanner for which the input could either be plugged on a streamed string or on the keyboard input without significant changes. Furthermore, if we wanted to decouple further the lexical analysis and the syntactic analysis, we could put a buffer between the two (still without changing the algorithms) and we could even put each machine on its own process. Some theoretical framework which is very useful to conceive that is that of action systems. With just a few exception, an action system could be understood as a canonical view of (not necessarily terminating) programs where we have one loop over a set of one line guarded commands. For example, for the following statement: a := 32 if b > c then b, c := c, b [] b <= c then skip fi We could get the following loop which we will consider as an action system: line := 0 ;do line = 0 then a, line := 32, 1 [] line = 1 /\ b > c then b, c, line := c, b, 2 [] line = 1 /\ b <= c then line := 2 od The advantage of using an action system instead of the corresponding program (when there is a nice one) is that the action system can compose for various purposes. If you want to simulate the concurrent execution of two programs, taking the union of the actions (the lines in the loop) of their action system will give you a model of how the two programs will execute. The assertion that you put in both programs must become invariants in the loop attached to line numbers. It is similar to the methods described in the Gries-Owiki theory and in A Method of Multiprogramming by Netty van Gasteren and Wim Feijen. The other use of the action system is that it can model objects. Each action can be understood as a method or as a method call and it allow one to model "concurrent" access to objects much better than what we have with structured programming geared with type bound procedures (what we see all the time in OO languages). Simon Hudon Finished on August 26th Zürich

Friday, August 14, 2009

First post

After a long hesitation, I finally took the decision to start this blog. Admittedly, a lot of what I'm going to write is pretty technical but I'm going to take the liberty of switching from technical and non-technical topics as often as I feel like it. I am a big fan of Edsger W. Dijkstra and I think his EWD series is a great idea. However, I'm not sure that I'm completely in shape to make such amazing pamphlets as he did. From time to time, I plan to try it and I hope that any reader that finds it excessive will be able to tell me so to help stay as rigorous with my social (or other) commentaries as possible. I also appreciate the way in which he presented his work and his exercises but I am not sure yet that this is the right place to publish and receive comments on those. Since I see this account mostly as a trial for blogging for now, I'm going to try different things and see how it turns out. Another consequence of this is that I'm going to discover the features of the server as I go. Simon August 15th 2009 Zürich P.S. I already have some notes on my Facebook profile but I'm not sure I want to move them all over here. I'm going to think about it. P.P.S. Since I wrote and stored essays on different platform, I'm going to try and put them all or almost all in the say public place. Don't be surprised of some posts appear with a date anterior to that of this post.

On the Pervasiveness of Social Networks

I was about to write something on LaTeX or on technical writing but while surfing (read: procrastinating) I observed how much the features on many social networks in a wide sense of the word overlap on many points. It feels like some of the strongest incentives -at least for me- of joining one or another of the social networks is to get in contact with people which are not present on platform I'm on and to benefit from features that others don't have. For instance, I have an account on Facebook -no, really!-, on Twitter (which I don't really use), on google mail, google reader, google talk and linkedin. I'm sure I omitted some but it does give an idea on the many account I survey on regular basis. Just to see some of the zones of overlapping, we see that all keep a list of contacts, although the Google platform seem to use a common one. They also offer the possibility, with various levels of necessity of exposing one's profile, i.e. name, interests, education, jobs, etc. There is some measures of unification but it seems limited to the consumption of links, for example for sharing with friends on facebook or adding rss feeds. What could possible make the situation simpler for users of multiple platforms? I am very reluctant to suggest imposing or pushing a standard since it seems like a nice path to technological stagnation. For now, I'm happy to leave the question open and see if my reader(s) (if any) have anything to say on that matter. Simon August 14, 2009 Zürich

To Blog or Not to Blog

Having seen the recent birth of Simon Mathieu's blog and especially the motivations he evoked to do it, I started to wonder again whether it would be a good idea for me to do it as well. Since I seem to have some readership here, I think it would be a good idea for me to stick with Facebook's note for expressing various thoughts and distributing essays. I'm also considering to put technical documents here since I would like to give the opportunity to those I have intrigued with my talks of formal methods to see how I conduct it. For example, I am now conducting an experiment to implement something similar to the shunting yard algorithm to parse mathematical expressions with custom operators and precedence rules. I would like to include infix binary operators, prefix and bracketed operators (including parenthesis), quantification and substitution. The peculiarity of the experiment lies in the fact that I use the proof obligation to guide my programming efforts and it results in a program and its correctness argument growing together. Also, it allows me to stall the moment I don't know what I'm talking about so both the proof and the program are kept as simple as possible. I would like to know if anybody would like to be tagged when I upload the document. Simon August 14th, 2009 Zürich

Pondering about Reasoning Errors

This note is mostly about teaching and, in general, communicating with other human beings. I have thought about writing it for a while but I was afraid not to have enough material. I'm writing it now because of new observations and I don't care too much about the length, today. In logic, we have the two important notions of soundness and of completeness. In short, a logical system is sound if you can only use it to prove statements that are true (but maybe not all of them) and complete if you can prove all statements that are true (but maybe also some false statements). I mention them because they appear more and more relevant to the way I choose to explain or with which I choose to help people. In such cases, it is necessary to make assumptions in order to explain or skip notions. Two kinds of errors are of interest for me here: either I assume that the other person does not know something and choose to explain it while he or she already know about it or I assume that he or she does and skip it while he or she does not know about it. In the first case, the reaction can be to be insulted because the attitude seems patronizing because the notion seems obvious. In the second case, the other person can miss a notion and be too afraid to appear stupid to ask about it. While I was an intern at A2M (a game developer in Montreal), my supervisor, which I regard with high respect, taught me that it is desirable to make communications as simple and concise as possible and to trust that the other person (in this situation an engineer or a scientist) will not be shy to ask about the missing parts. During the last hour, I've been thinking about this post while doing my groceries and I realized that there are a handful of people that I trust enough to be very straightforward in my communications because I've been talking to them for a long enough period to see that they are active while listening. For the others, it does not mean they are any less. It just means that I don't know if they will ask questions and, from time to time, I don't want to risk them misunderstanding me. In no case is this a sign that I mistrust someone's intelligence because I noticed recently that I was too explicit even with some people which I have in high esteem. This is pretty short but it's all I could summon before my stomach started threatening me. Simon August 14th 2009 Zürich

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Distributed Library

To make sure not to mislead my readers for too long, in particular the programmers among them, I insist in specifying that the topic is a library made of shelves and books (remember those bunches of paper?). The idea of this essay is to explain, mostly for my own benefit but maybe for that of others, one of the interests of collecting books. Personally, I love books and, although appreciate wikipedia for what it is, I think no electronic medium can overcome the joy of possessing an extensive book collection. Once in a while, I go on a book buying spree and, although some of them have been sitting on my shelves unread, I think this habit of mine is very useful. For one thing, I read fairly slowly and, sometimes, I like to put a book back in the shelf without finishing it. For those reason, if the book is good enough, it is very beneficial to own it. On the other hand, I like to see myself as a node in a distributed library. Whenever I invite people over at my place, one of the things he or she will see is my collection of books and, sometimes, they get interested in one or two of them and bring them home to see if they like it or if they can learn something from it. It can be viewed as a means of propaganda but also as a means for education. Indeed, I think it is very convenient to be able to educate each other in an informal way and being part of a distributed library seems like an efficient way to do so. Simon Hudon July 12th, 2009 Zürich

Computer Aided ...

I made no secret that I consider E.W. Dijkstra a very wise thinker and I take many of my ideas from him. One of the things I've been hesitant to accept from him at first is his abhorrence of the use computers. It's been at least 4 months maybe as much as six months since it dawned on me that I am indeed addicted to the use of computers. There's no other ways to talk about the excessive reliance on electronic communication (e.g. looking for emails more than once an hour), my habit of browsing meaningless content on the internet and, more importantly, my habit of relying on software tools when they ofter arguably little improvements on productivity and probably some awful deterioration also. I just started reading the book "In Praise of Slow" by Carl Honoré and went through the section where he describes how in capitalist societies we made of time a new god. In other words time is more in control of our life than we are. It makes for some very nice reflections but for now, I'll come back to my main topic. In a similar way, the computer has come to possess control over our work. I can't count anymore how many times a day I get annoyed and frustrated with how my computer is working against me. It goes from simple trivia like message boxes popping up while I am typing something and forcing me to respond immediately to the use of theorem provers that relays my job to a secondary place by taking the reins passing to the use of IDE that do not work and word processors that pretend to know better than me what I want to do. In some cases, this is plain condescending but in every cases is completely harmfu to productivityl and destroys my motivation. Recently, I bought a new tool that I am pretty satisfied with. As a word processor, it does not argue with me. As a theorem prover, it allows me to keep the reins and go where I want to go. As an language editor, it does not crash and does not ship with faulty libraries. Finally, it very rarely interrupts me in my work. I bought a fountain pen and, although I still use the computer in a pretty addicted fashion, I see a change happening and I can't see how it wouldn't be for the best. In any case, the feeling is one of pleasure and satisfaction. And now, for those who wonder when it interrupts me: it's when my cartridge of ink is empty and I store two in my pen so the replacement is a fairly short operation. I am now resolute to using computer as much as possible for communicating with my loved ones which are now very far away and to question every other necessity I feel of using a computer. This is far from done but I expect some nice results. As an aside, as a software developer I think I draw an important lesson. In the same way you should never be condescending toward your readership, you should not be either towards your users. If they use the computer, they should know what they want and you should not take the control from them. For example, when forms have to be filled, you should allow the user as much as possible to fill them in one go and possibly even in the order of his choice. A good example of a violation of this principle is the setup of Windows where installation sequences are interspersed with questions so the user has to sit through the whole process. Simon Hudon 12:55 AM on July 12th Zürich during a sleepless night

Friday, July 10, 2009

On Programming Languages

Sometimes, some programming languages popularize powerful ways of thinking about a problem. It is not too rare however that a language would create popular way of obfuscating a problem. APL and C++ are an example of the former. The difference between the two is that C++ allow you to believe you actually understand the problem when you don't have a clue about it. On the other hand, I have never met anybody knowing APL that claimed to be able to read an APL program. Simon Hudon July 10th 2009 Zürich

Nice Quote and Comments about User-Friendliness

"Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will want to use it." I have encountered very often the notion that user-friendliness is the quality of being intuitive or, put in Dijkstra's words, the quality of "appealing to the uneducated". It seems that Microsoft can be very active in that respect. Take Word for example, it is sold with the pretense that you don't have to learn to use it but, invariably, you'll have to get accustomed to it and get an intuition of the heuristics used to justify one or another behavior. In other word, because there is the clear criteria guiding the behavior of the system that can be written down, it is believed that you don't need to understand anything to use it. If user-friendliness is to have a non condescending meaning, I would associate it with the simplicity of the design of the system and of its interface. It is acceptable to have to learn how to use a system but the description should be as short and as precise as possible. To those who believe those to be contradictory qualities, I refer to the manual of the Algol language and conclude with a quote by Dijkstra. "About the use of [natural] language: it is vain to try to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally vain to try to sharpen it with ten blunt axe". E.W. Dijkstra Simon Hudon July 10th 2009 Zürich

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

SH53 - Natural Deduction seen as the Turing Machine for Logical Reasoning

Reading through the chapter of mathematical reasoning in the B Book, I couldn't help but notice how much emphasis was put in using natural deduction. I strengthening the belief that natural deduction is not appropriate as it is for practical reasoning. In fact, I think it is appropriate to compare it to Turing machines. When we are interested in the power of a system, we want to reduce it to its bare essential. In that sense, the few simple inference rules usually associated with natural deduction are very helpful. But we must keep in mind the bias that we have when delivering that judgment: we are doing the job of a logician who wants to compare different systems. It is the same for Turing machines. They are very simple and this is why it helps reasoning about their computability properties. I think nobody knowing anything about programming would suggest to use a Turing machine to build any kind of useful system unless it is sufficiently small as to be of no significance.

Similarly, I don't think that using natural deduction as a means for reasoning about systems is any wiser than programming with Turing machines. For simplifying the logic, natural deduction offers no means to exploit equivalence because it can be dealt with using implication. It is true but not helpful when carrying out an actual reasoning. Keeping equivalence intact is simply much more efficient. People don't have to go through the same proof twice. It is also true that even if case analysis can help achieve the proof, it also helps making it unmanageable.

In short, developing proof design techniques is as necessary as developing program design techniques and, similarly, it involves developing the right notation and finding powerful heuristics. Natural deduction is not a means to that end. However, it can be used to prove properties of equational logic without to need use it when carrying out the actual reasoning.

Simon Hudon Zürich June 9th, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

SH48 - Weakening Preconditions

I remember an instant messaging conversation I had with Prof. Jonathan Ostroff (YorkU) where he said he was buying more and more the view of preconditions as waiting conditions like in Event-B and SCOOP. I objected that, obviously, unlike Event-B, we can't hold the position that preconditions must be strengthen. It was, as I thought, some kind of law of nature and common sense that only postconditions can be strengthened. Preconditions can only be weakened. But what if it does not fit the essence of object oriented programming? Certainly, it is acceptable that the precondition of routines be weakened in the process of refinement. Since features in classes are implemented as routines (whenever they use arguments), why not just carry over the rule to the implementation of class features?

The fact that they are type bound makes an important difference. Rather than understand that the target of a call is just another kind of argument to a routine that will be dynamically chosen so that it meets (in a semi-formal way) the specifications of the routine, it should be understood as an event that occurs that (might) transform the current state of an object. That event can be or not provoked by a certain client. Whenever it is, it does not matter for the correctness of that client that the precondition gets weakened in the refinement of its supplier. On the other hand, since object aliasing is an important part of object oriented programming, considering the transformation of an object by other clients makes sense as the general case. If we assume that no other clients will invoke a certain feature unless its guard (or precondition) is satisfied, weakening it might produce surprising results. On the other hand, if we allow ourselves to blur the distinction between a class and an event-B abstract machine, we might want to make sure that the deadlock condition of a module is not strengthened in its refinements. It would mean that, in any refinement, if the guard of an action is strengthened, it must only be in the context of an action split where the guard of all resulting actions complement each other in a way that their disjunction is equivalent to the guard of the refined event.

The door does not seem to be completely closed for the notion of precondition weakening but I, for one, would not dwell on it.

Simon Hudon May 18th 2009 ETH Zürich

Friday, May 15, 2009

SH16 - Sacrificing Efficiency for Some Degree of Confidence

Is the concern for software correctness getting in the way of efficiency? or Sacrificing efficiency for confidence (as opposed to correctness)

Post-scriptum note: the opposition between correctness and confidence is based on the objectivity of the criterion of correctness and the subjectivity of the criterion of confidence. Confidence can be the result of obliviousness.

Also, I have not reread it since posting it on my blog and it might need some moderation. (End of note)

With modern trends like test driven development, it seems like, for the sake of having a testable system, one will always (or most of the time) take the shortest path allowing him to add just one feature. It is positive to see that he always worry about having something that works, albeit using very restrained notion of what a "working system" is. However, the fact that the modern programmer (or, to borrow a more trendy term, the average programmer) is unable to reason in any effective way about the formulation of his specifications or even those of his architecture makes him unable to postpone the implementation until such a time as his design has been validated on its own. This points out to a blatant lack of separation of concerns. A more disciplined approach would require that the programmer be able to validate his architecture using nothing but the information contained in it and the information contained in the formulation of the relevant requirements.

It is very important to make precise what is meant by validation. Like the term coined for any profound notion, it has been used to designate so many different concepts that, it cannot be understood as anything more than a buzz-term unless it is explicitly defined.

The validation of an architecture means that any implementation following its rules is bound to produce correct result for every valid input. This means that it is a validation impossible to accomplish using testing. Some might argue that model checking would be a valid choice to come to grip with that separation of concern. If we forget everything else, they could be right. The problem with model checking is that we still rely on a posteriori verification: the concern for correctness still fails to guide the programmer to his solution. Proponents of the notion of the "average programmer" might be satisfied with that since they accept that the layman has, at best, a third rate intellect and we cannot ask him reason in any formal way about his work. However, it is clearly a better approach than postponing any kind of validation until after an implementation has been provided.

What I'm coming at now is that since the implementations are rushed at, programmers don't seem to take any care for making it efficient or correct in a general way. All that is expected is that the test suite passes. If any efficiency issues arises (much later in the development) it is considered that it is the good time to address them. It seems that an efficient implementation would have been easier to produce at the very first moment that the programmer started writing it.

Simon Hudon Gatineau, December 2008 continued in Zuerich, May 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

SH34 - Thoughts on the Use of Typed Logic and Dependent Types

On one hand, it is a very bad thing (TM) to make type checking depend on undecidable conditions, therefore inducing a proof obligation to ensure syntactic and type correctness. One of the best example is the need to prove that a given function lookup is made on a member of the domain of the mentioned function. When it is generated for an axiom, lemmata cannot be reused from one to the other.

On the other hand, if we are content with the fact that every proposition (i.e. axiom or theorem) concerning functions is accompanied by the assumption that the argument is part of the function's domain, we leave open the value of lookups of functions outside their domain.

Either we decide to associate the arbitrary value of the associated type to arguments outside a function's domain or we leave it undefined and accept a different value from function to function.

In the second case, whereas the interesting property of function equality is

f = g == dom.f = dom.g /\ < x =" g.x">

However, if we don't have also

f = g == dom.f = dom.g /\ < x =" g.x">

it becomes impossible to use the principle of substitutability.

If, to the contrary, we choose to assign the arbitrary value of the associated type to arguments outside of partial functions' domain we are asking for trouble as an axiom might specify the image of a function regardless of whether or not the mentioned argument is part of the image as in the following:

axm1: f.x = 3 axm2: dom.f = { x | x mod 3 = 2 : x } axm3: g.x = 7 axm4: dom.g = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }

However, an axiom of function theory might state

fun1: ¬ x in dom.f ==> f.x = choice (H)

For an arbitrary f: G +-> H, x: G and generic types G and H. Let's now assume x is neither a member of dom.f nor a member of dom.g (as the union of both of them does not include all the natural numbers, it is a sensible assumption).

= { axm1 }
= { fun1 with f, x := f, x }
choice (NAT)
= { fun1 with f, x := g, x }
= { axm3 }

Which is obviously nonsensical. This choice of interpretation is not the only way to introduce nonsense indirectly. Take for example the choice function. Asserting a particular type for it as an assumption is a nice way to run into trouble. The problem at hand is related to that kind of error. The goal here is to discuss several possibilities for making all the nonsense obvious and more difficult to introduce. In general, we would like to be able to build a theory in a modular way allowing different modules to reference each other in a non circular way. As is often the case in software design, it is desirable to limit the number of dependancies between modules. In that context, nonsense can be introduced when referencing two modules that have been developed independently if they postulate additional constraints on a common module. The trouble will arise when the accumulation of third-party constraints contradict each other.

In that case, axioms referencing definitions made in another module should make sure to make nothing more than put a name on an element for which it is possible to prove that it exists. In fact, it might be a good thing to require such a proof when postulating such axioms. In appearance, we are coming back at the apparent ugliness of set theory as it is used in B. To solve it, it might be sufficient to relax the constraint imposed on the order of the declaration of axioms and theorems. By allowing theorems to be defined before axioms, we retain the ability to reduce the labor of formal reasoning for every proof including those induced by the definition of axioms.

Simon Hudon ETH Zürich March 4th 2009