Friday, September 18, 2009

Hehner's Program Calculus

Preamble This post, although involving unusual notions for most, is meant to be very basic and I expect most computer scientists, computer science students to be able to understand it. If you don't please let me know, I'll arrange to put enough background in it.
End of preamble
For some time, Prof. Jonathan Ostroff has been trying to convince me of the elegance of Hehner's method of refinement. Recently, I was giving examples of Dijkstra's program calculus. Among these was the derivation of the program for computing the maximum of two numbers and its proof. I eventually came around to consider this example terms of Hehner's method and I was struck with at how simple his formulation is. For example, the semantics of the following conditional statement is given in Hehner's formulation and in Dijkstra's (and Morgan's, for that matter).
if b -> x := E [] c -> x := F fi
Hehner (x' denotes the value of the variable x after execution whereas x denotes its initial value):
(b  /\  x' = E)  \/  (c /\ x' = F)
Dijkstra (it is defined as a function of the predicate p and it represents the weakest precondition that will allow the statement to enforce the postcondition p):
(b   ==>   (x := E).p)  /\  (c   ==>   (x := F).p)  /\  (b  \/  c)
Just here, we have a factor of a little bit less than two. It is a bit of an unfair comparison, though since the two formulae are not used in the same way. It is interesting to note, however, that Dijkstra's formulation includes a term (b \/ c) which he calls "the law of excluded miracle" (as a pun referring to "the law of excluded middle"). Its purpose is to make sure that one of the branches of the conditional applies whenever we get ready to execute the statement. On the other hand, Hehner's formulation implies (b \/ c) and it does not have to be included in the term. Unfortunately, it is necessary with Hehner's method to mention every variable that do not change which, as it appears to me, an amateur when it comes to Hehner's method, can be quite inconvenient.
Here is the development of the mentioned program with both methods. We start by stating the postulates that we have.
(0)   x max y  >=  x
(1)   x max y  >=  x
(2)   x max y  =  x   \/   x max y  =  y
(3)   x max y  =  y max x
(4)   x  =  x max y   ==   x  >=  y
(5)   y  =  x max y   ==   y  >=  x
(6)   x >= y  \/  y >= x
Now, here is the postcondition that we want to implement:
P:  z =  x max y 
because of the form of (2) we could presume that the appropriate execution of either of:
Q:  z := x
R:  z := y
We must therefore investigate when it is appropriate to execute each. For that, we calculate the weakest precondition that allows each of them to establish the postcondition. We can do that by applying the statements Q and R as a subtitution over the postcondition P.
==    { Subtitution }
   x  =  x max y
==    { (4) }
   x >= y
(with == being the logical equivalence) Using a similar calculation, we get
R.P    ==    y >= x
We can conclude that the following code establishes the postcondition:
if  x >= y -> z := x 
[]  y >= x -> z := y 
The only thing left to do is to apply the law of excluded miracle and make sure that there is always a branch which is executable.
   (x >= y)  \/  (y >= x)
==    { (6) }
If we try the same derivation with Hehner's method, we can start by saying that the postcondition is trivially established by
P:  z := x max y
which, unfortunately, is not executable. For simplicity, we will assume that x is the only assignable variable. We have the following statement representing the semantics of P.
Q:  z'  =  x max y
We can now start calculating:
   z'  =  x max y
==    { Identity of /\ }
   z' = x max y  /\  true
==    { (2) }
   z' = x max y  /\  (x = x max y \/ y = x max y)
==    { /\ distributes over \/ }
   (z' = x max y  /\  x = x max y)  \/  (z' = x max y  /\  y = x max y)
==    { Leibniz, twice }
   (z' = x  /\  x = x max y)  \/  (z' = y  /\  y = x max y)
==    { (4) and (5) }
   (z' = x  /\  x >= y)  \/  (z' = y  /\  y >= x)
The final stage of the calculation represents the semantics of the following conditional:
if  x >= y -> z := x
[]  y >= x -> z := y
What I like about the previous derivation is that it is very straight forward. There is a small invention involved which is to introduce true at the beginning and transform it into (2). It seems reasonable since it gives a simple expression for any possible value of x max y. Also, the proof contains a little too much detail. For instance, the first and the second steps could have been merged and explained simply by referring to assumption (2).
On a more personal side, I must admit that, for at least one year, I was very enthusiastic about Ralph Back's lattice theoretic interpretation of programs: it's just so elegant! In practice however, I can't help but being struck with awe at how straightforward the program derivation is with Hehner. Like Dijkstra said so often: we must not become enamored with our tools especially if they show how clever we have been. Back's interpretation introduced me to lattice theory which I still like and find pretty useful but using it for program calculus does not seem necessary and I should probably turn over to Hehner's program calculus even though it does not yell "I know lattice theory!"
September 18th 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Trends in programming languages

I just saw a very insightful comment in the 2003 publication of the IFIP work group 2.3 on programming methodology about one of the paper it contains. I cannot attribute it for sure but since Annabelle McIver and Carroll Morgan are the editors, one of them must be at the origin of the comment. It says that in the field of programming languages, one can distinguish two trends. The first, by far the most popular, views a programming language as a formalism to abstract away from the specifics of the machines and the tiny optimizations that might be useful but are tedious to come up with and to maintain. It gives Fortran and Java as examples. Fortran allows the programmer to keep his concentration on other things than the evaluation of mathematical expressions which is quite useful. On the other hand, Java allows the programmer to put the implementation of classes in one place and the latter does not have to think about the specific details of the use of classes (e.g. dynamic binding and memory management). Personnally, I would call those coding languages: they make programming simpler than writing machine code. The second trend views a programming language as a formalism to help reflect on the problem at hand. I give here two of my own examples: Eiffel and B. The fact that they cover analysis, design and implementation is a telling sign that it does not support the view of a program as a sequence of instruction but as a computational solution to a problem. When trying to "sell" languages of the latter category, I often encounter objection stemming from the interlocutor's adherence to the first category and, most of the time, it ticks me off because I have the impression that they are focusing on the wrong aspect of a programming language. Having seen this description of the two trends, I'm thinking of questioning my interlocutor's yardstick instead of getting frustrated. Simon Hudon September 13th 2009 Zürich

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Collective Knowledge

At the moment, I have a few drafts I am writing but they are not progressing very fast and I am offering this short reflection. Looking around and reading different kinds of research, I can't help but feel that there exists a hierarchy of collective knowledge. Science is part of that hierarchy but it is not the whole story. As somebody who is strongly mathematically inclined, I have a tendency to view formal mathematics as the only means for expressing one's understanding but this position does not hold water. Since I am also very interested in methodology, namely, how we program and how we do mathematics, I have to have considerations for human activities and those are particularly hard to formalize and one might wonder what need we have of formalizing them. It must be honestly revealed that the activity of formalization demands tremendous efforts which are not carried out merely for the beauty of formal theories (although, many don't need much more motivation for doing it). The point is that, at any time before embarking on a formalization project, it is worth it to wonder if it is worth embarking on. On one hand, there is a class of programming languages, of which C++ and PL/I are nice representative, for which the formalization is not worth the effort because they are so complex and there documentation is so ambiguous that the formalization amount to reinventing them. Also, while reinventing them for the sake of formalization, for survival's sake, one should have the reflex of questioning every design decision before deciding to adopt them and, doing so, one would not end up with C++ or PL/I but with a language à la Wirth. If we carried that judgment to a further conclusion, it can also mean that they are not worth using either. On the other hand, there are subjects which are worth studying but the gain of a formalization is not immediately obvious. We have other tools than formalization to be rigorous and precise in our discourse and should not neglect them (to name only one: we have our natural language for which an exceptional mastery can do wonders). Once the benefit of formalization is seen, though, one should not hesitate. At the moment of writing, I am thinking about the general literature about programming methodology (aka software engineering). I have the feeling that although some publications concentrate on giving examples of the use of a particular method, some succeed at being very rigorous by being modest and accepting that they are merely working with one example. Also, their rigor seem to rely on the analysis of their example, of what helped and what did not. On the hand, some very disappointing papers on the topic try to be more rigorous by building a tool, having a handful of programmers use them, measure (in some vague sense) the improvement in their productivity and publish the statistic. Without a theory to compare those numbers to, they are meaningless and I can't help but see it as another instance of the general hype around statistic which I would summarize with "a number is better than no numbers at all". Simon Hudon Zürich, September 5th 2009