Friday, August 14, 2009

First post

After a long hesitation, I finally took the decision to start this blog. Admittedly, a lot of what I'm going to write is pretty technical but I'm going to take the liberty of switching from technical and non-technical topics as often as I feel like it. I am a big fan of Edsger W. Dijkstra and I think his EWD series is a great idea. However, I'm not sure that I'm completely in shape to make such amazing pamphlets as he did. From time to time, I plan to try it and I hope that any reader that finds it excessive will be able to tell me so to help stay as rigorous with my social (or other) commentaries as possible. I also appreciate the way in which he presented his work and his exercises but I am not sure yet that this is the right place to publish and receive comments on those. Since I see this account mostly as a trial for blogging for now, I'm going to try different things and see how it turns out. Another consequence of this is that I'm going to discover the features of the server as I go. Simon August 15th 2009 Zürich P.S. I already have some notes on my Facebook profile but I'm not sure I want to move them all over here. I'm going to think about it. P.P.S. Since I wrote and stored essays on different platform, I'm going to try and put them all or almost all in the say public place. Don't be surprised of some posts appear with a date anterior to that of this post.